Airports landed at as Pilot in Command (PIC).
Flight Experience
I hold private pilot license with instrument rating, and tailwheel, complex, and high performance endorsements.
Flight Time
- Total: 615.5 hours
- Instrument: 114.6 hours
- Instrument Approach: 155
- Cross Country: 330.5 hours
- Retractable: 277.6 hours
- Tailwheel: 24.2 hours
- Night: 186.2 hours
- Take-off & Landing: 1019
Aircraft Flown
- Mooney: M20J 201, M20K 231, M20K Encore
- Cessna: 152, 172M, 172N, 172P, 172S, 172R, 172RG, 182J
- Citabria: 7ECA, 7GCAA
- Cirrus: SR22
- Diamond: DA40
- Piper: PA28, PA46
PIC Airports
- Total: 138 airports in 26 states/countries, including 2 class B, 26 class C, 38 class D, and 1 DC SFRA (see map and the full list).
- Highest: Lake County Airport, Leadville, Colorado (identifier: KLXV, elevation: 9933.5 ft.)
- Lowest: San Carlos Airport, California (identifier: KSQL, elevation: 5.5 ft.)
- Longest: Calgary International Airport, Alberta, Canada (identifier: CYYC, runway 17L/35R, dimension: 14000 x 200 ft.)
- Shortest: North Bass Island Airport, Ohio (identifier: 3X5, runway 1/19, dimension: 1804 x 60 ft.)
Learning Resources
Learn to Fly
General Aviation Safety
General Knowledge Refresher
- Seminars by San Carlos Flight Center (both live and in person)
- Online ground school by King’s
Mooney-Specific Knowledge
Aircraft Maintenance
- Mike Busch’s book series on Airplane Maintenance and Ownership (available on Amazon)
More Readings